Barbara's Beat: My top resolutions to get fit and healthy
Sam's Club

Thursday, January 28, 2010

My top resolutions to get fit and healthy

TwitterMoms and Ubisoft are inspiring moms to get healthy and fit with a sweepstakes to win a copy of the Ubisoft Your Shape game.
Your Shape for Wii and PC creates a workout program completely personalized to you based on your fitness level, goals and schedule. The game’s motion-tracking camera detects your moves so Jenny McCarthy, your in-game guide, can correct your form while you exercise controller-free.

Getting healthy is very important to me this year. I am starting with five ways to get healthy and fit this year.

1. I resolve to wait after eating one plate for my body to say I am full, instead of getting another plate of food and being miserable.
2. I resolve to change all white to all wheat foods so I'm not getting empty calories.
3. I resolve to drink a lot of flavored lemon water instead of my favorite diet soda.
4. I resolve to brush my teeth after dinner so my body knows it is time to stop eating.
5. I resolve to have fun exercising with the Wii so it doesn't seem like exercise.

I resolve to live my life better so I can live longer and spend time with my grandchildren.

This Sweepstakes officially ends on January 31, at 11:59 pm, EST. The winners will be contacted on or about February 8.

“What are your top 5 New Year's resolutions for getting healthy and fit in 2010?”

Full disclosure: I might get one of 5 entries randomly selected to win a copy of the Ubisoft Your Shape game.


1 comment:

UPrinting said...

Those are great resolutions! Being fit is a gift you give yourself :)
I resolved to stop drinking soda at all some time ago and got a good tip from your post. The lemon water is a great idea! Thanks for that. Good luck with the resolutions, and enjoy getting fit!