Barbara's Beat: Win $500 in The Knot Genie's Back To School Morning Meltdown 9/5
Sam's Club

Friday, August 24, 2012

Win $500 in The Knot Genie's Back To School Morning Meltdown 9/5

If you’re a parent, you've probably experienced a foot stomping-shrieking-morning meltdown at that critical time when you’re trying to get your child out the door or off to school. Sound familiar?

If you can share, no matter how painful it may be, your worst meltdown and  how you diffused the situation, then enter your story in the contest. Your essay must be at least 150 words. Have fun with it. The most creative stories get the most votes.

You will get a confirmation email after you enter your story. Ends Sept. 5. There are two stories with votes in the 700s.

Ask your friends and family to vote for your entry and you could win $500. Voting ends Sept. 19.

If brushing your daughter's hair is causing you nightmares there's a solution. Many people claim it's magic. You can save $4 on a Knot Genie with a coupon from US Family Guide if you want to try it. The coupon expires June 20, 2013.

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