Barbara's Beat: Join the Linky to be added to my Pinterest Giveaways Galore Board
Sam's Club

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Join the Linky to be added to my Pinterest Giveaways Galore Board

By now most people have heard of Pinterest. It's fun, interesting, and very addicting. If you haven't checked it out then you're missing out.
What is Pinterest? Pinterest is a Virtual Pinboard. It allows you to search for things you love, then you pin them to a board so you can find them again when you want them. You can name your boards whatever you like.

I have a board of giveaways, Giveaways Galore. I am pinning all my giveaways, and I search for giveaways to add, too. Now, anyone who would like to leave a link here, can also be added. It's a great way to promote your giveaways.

I have also added many Pinners to my board so they can add their own giveaways. If you want to be added as a Pinner please leave me a comment and let me know.

You can follow me by clicking the P in my right sidebar. I try to follow everyone back.

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