Barbara's Beat: Walk and Work With Stylecampaign sign up Mar 1-18
Sam's Club

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Walk and Work With Style
campaign sign up Mar 1-18

Bloggers are invited to sign up for the Walk and Work With Style giveaway to be held March 1-18. It's hosted and co-hosted by:
Celebrate Woman Today ~ Thrive On Who You Are, Express It Now
Modern Babble ~ We're Talking, Grab Popcorn
Adventures of A Cuoponista ~ Pay With Coupons Instead of Cash

This Mega Giveaway is for You, our Fellow Blogger: To Walk and Work With Style. So that you can continue with your daily effort to brighten this world for everyone!

This event is sponsored by the Amazon Center for Environmental Education and Research. Without this non-profit’s efforts, our planet, your and my home would be under the attack of climate changes, more radiation, drastic shortages in refreshing rain and fresh water in our rivers and lakes.

There wouldn’t be any happy faces, blogging or taking a stroll in the park. This Amazon Center supports unique efforts in protecting tracts of land in the Rainforest, so you and I can Walk & Work With Style and under the sun that sees through our blogging efforts.

Dates: March 1-18

Prizes: They are the most recent products in the market that were highly regarded by CES (Largest annual showcasing of electronics in Las Vegas) and such entities as Wired Magazine. Besides, who would say 'no' to such things as:

• Sony Bloggie Life HD Camera, 2 Winners ~ Wi-Fi camera, broadcasts and shares live video in real time!
• Kingston Wi-drive 32 GB, 2 Winners ~ Portable and looks like an iPhone. Used to store all music, movies, etc. from your iPhone, iPad, Cameras, etc. and keep these devices clear of clutter.
• Ladies Chronograph Style Sportswatch with Rhinestone Bezel, 4 Winners ~ Walk & Work in Style for sure!

Cost – $1 for 1 task, up to 3 tasks at most. You can choose from:
• Facebook likes
• Twitter follow
• Google+ add
• Email subscription
• RSS subscription
• Networked Blogs follow

All the entries will be grouped by type and placed on a separate page for easier and quicker entries: e.g., We’ll have separate pages for Facebook likes, Twitter follows, etc.

Payment – make a PayPal payment to as an “Other” option: Send Money - Personal - Other. This is done to avoid any shutting down of the PayPal account, as it is not set up as charity (fyi: small donations every now and then are OK as “gift” options. It’s when they come in a burst of donations, it may trigger a negative review by PayPal.)

Payment with Subject Line:
Walk & Work With Style, NAME OF YOUR BLOG

Display the Event Button and Publish the post with Rafflecopter on your blog during the Event: March 1-18.

Share with others. Refer other bloggers. For the most referred blogs, you will receive a Prize-Surprize. No cheapies, nice and elegant.

STEPS:1. Make a Payment
Make a PayPal payment to as an “Other” option

2. Fill out this Form once you have made a payment
Form Access Here

3. Add your blog to the Linky

Please tell them Barbara's Beat sent you.
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