Barbara's Beat: Facebook to require switch to Timeline
Sam's Club

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Facebook to require switch to Timeline

If you haven't yet updated your Facebook page to Timeline, a scrapbook of your life, you should get started. Facebook is going to require the new format, saying goodbye to the present profile, because it claims it makes it easier to find photos, and links. Facebook plans to start making Timeline mandatory.
Since making the switch myself, I find some things pleasing, however, I also find it aggravating when I try to find my family members so I can go visit them. They are no longer lined up and easy to find.
Timeline shows our older posts. Things we may not want made available - are, unless you take time to move and hide things on your page before it's public. Take time to change your privacy settings again, too. You may even want to do some deletions.

There's a new feature for your photos that you may want to use, such as a location feature. And, you can add a star to major events in your life.

The main focus of the new Facebook page is the new feature cover photo and your head shot. I used my grandkids for my cover shot and it looks great.

I admit, with so many posts to go through, I didn't do it. I skipped that step and will have to go back and look through them. The activity log now helps us look at our older posts at a glance, so maybe it will be easy.

Many of us complain about the changes, but there's no use. Facebook will continue to make changes anyway, so we need to get to use to them.

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