Barbara's Beat: Preparing a puppy kit for a surprise Christmas gift #CBias #iLoveMyK9
Sam's Club

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Preparing a puppy kit for a surprise Christmas gift #CBias #iLoveMyK9

My four-year-old granddaughter recently adopted two new puppies. Puppies need a lot of care, so we wondered whether or not she was ready to take care of them.

Well, Kristen took them home and she named them Jenny and Jake. They are brother and sister. She introduced them to her dog Barron and they he likes them, too.

She has been a big girl feeding them, taking them potty, playing with them, and being the best little mommy. I want to help her, so I asked her to go with me to Walmart for a shopping trip. She has no idea the purchases are for her puppies for Christmas.

I asked her what she thought a puppy like hers would like. We looked at the large selection of puppy treats like Milk-Bone® Treats, Pup-Peroni Treats and Milo’s Kitchen Treats. Then we picked out which ones she thought puppies would enjoy. She said her puppies like bacon flavo treats. Not only did we get those, but we bought some other ones, too. And, we couldn't forget to get an older dog like Barron a treat.

We took coupons with us to buy the treats, but you can check your local newspaper the week of Dec. 11 for a money saving coupon on Milk-Bone® Dog Treats.

We also looked at puppy toys. Kristen said her puppies like squeaky toys. We looked at clothes, big stockings and beds, bowls, and everything else a new pet owner might need to train a puppy. We bought a couple things puppies like Jenny and Jake might like according to Kristen.

While we were in Walmart, Kristen got a princess Santa hat. I think she likes it. We had a wonderful time shopping for the puppies, and for Kristen.

See more of my story by checking out my Google+ post.

Full Disclosure: This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias. #CBias. All opinions are my own.



Tricia Nightowlmama said...

awwwww she's toooo cute. and looks like she had a ton of fun shopping for her new best friends too

Patricia said...

I love it!! So cute!! She is going to love it!

Unknown said...

Very cute! She is going to enjoy the kit!

Tammy said...

I love the Santa hat.

Liz Mays said...

OH my goodness, she is absolutely precious in her Santa hat! I'm glad she had so much fun choosing puppy treats!

Faith and Family Reviews said...

Awww, she's so cute!

Donna said...

What a good looking family... both two-legged and four-legged. My son loves shopping for our dog, too. :)