The offers below are available at Kroger and Kroger subsidiaries, Safeway subsidiaries (not including Dominick's), and Shop 'n Save.
Cortaid Save $2
Save $2 on any Cortaid Anti-itch product.
Wonder® Smartwheat Save $.55
Save $0.55 when you one buy one loaf of Wonder® Smartwheat (tm) today!
Fiber One® Cereal Save $.75
Save $0.75 when you buy any ONE BOX Fiber One® cereal listed: Fiber One® Original, Fiber One® Honey Clusters®, Fiber One® Raisin Bran Clusters®, Fiber One® Caramel Delight(TM), Fiber One® Frosted Shredded Wheat.
Cinn Toast Crunch Save $.55
Save $0.55 when you buy ONE BOX Cinnamon Toast Crunch® cereal.
Cocoa Puffs® cereal Save $.55
Save $0.55 when you buy any ONE BOX Cocoa Puffs® cereal.
Chex Mix® Treats Save $.50
Save $0.50 when you buy ONE BOX any flavor Chex Mix® Treats, Golden Grahams® Treats OR Milk ’n Cereal Bars.
Yoplait® Fiber One® Save $1
Save $1 when you buy any flavor Yoplait® Fiber One® Yogurt Multipacks.
Gogurt, Trix, Splitz Save $.75
Save $0.75 when you buy TWO any flavor Yoplait® products listed: Yoplait® Go-GURT® Yogurt, Yoplait® Trix® Multipack Yogurt, Yoplait® Splitz(TM) Yogurt.
Cheerios® Cereal Save $.55
Save $0.55 when you buy ONE BOX Original Cheerios® cereal (the one in the yellow box).
PB Toaster Strudel® Save $.60
Save $0.60 when you buy TWO any flavor/variety Pillsbury® Toaster Strudel® Pastries.
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