Barbara's Beat: I've lost my banner and I don't know why, or what to do to fix the problem
Sam's Club

Sunday, March 6, 2011

I've lost my banner and I don't know why, or what to do to fix the problem

Life never gets easier, it only gets harder. Every time things seem to be going OK, something bad happens. It just makes me crazy.

I went to bed and it was there. I didn't make any changes. But, I wake up and the header on my blog is gone. It just disappeared.

After ging to the template, I reverted back to a February date and it was still not there. What gives? I'm losing it. I just want my banner back where it belongs. HELP!



Tammy said...

I can see your banner just fine!

Texas Type A Mom said...

Good luck getting the banner back. I wish I had some words of advice but I'm not very good at web design stuff at all.

Amanda said...

Yikes, that is odd Barbara! Wish I could help, but I'm not up on all of this. You might want to e-mail Katherine (Katie) over on the Ruby Community page or She does a lot of banner creations and set stuff up for Nina on Ruby. Maybe she can help restore or retrieve it. Blessings!

That Bald Chick said...

Yikes! So sorry! Wish I knew what to do to help. Ask Nolie, she's a virtual genius!

Anonymous said...

That's so odd? I don't see it either. Hopefully it's just a glitch.

Lisa Noel said...

sorry i can't help that would be so frustrating

Liz Mays said...

You must have fixed it because I can see it!