Barbara's Beat: Help Wendy's raise $50,000 for foster children before Father's Day
Sam's Club

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Help Wendy's raise $50,000 for foster children before Father's Day

Help kids who need somebody to love. Change a life. You might just change your own.

There are 123,000 U.S. children in foster care waiting to be adopted. They have been removed from their homes as victims of child abuse, neglect or abandonment and are left without a family.

The Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption works on behalf of these children, because every child deserves a permanent home and loving family.

This Father's Day weekend, June 19 - 20, buy a Frosty at Wendy's and .50 will be donated to the Dave Thomas Foundation. But don't wait, you can start helping now. Every time you Treat it Forward using social media .50 will be donated to help find permanent homes for kids in foster care.

You can send a Virtual Frosty to your friends, post a note to your Facebook wall, Tweet it Forward, send a Frosty e-card, or check in with Foursquare.

Please, help raise the $50,000 limit before the June 20 deadline, and help a child today.

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