I wish I could be a better hostess, unfortunatly a family emergency will prevent me from being able to activly participate in the party this year.
However, that shouldn't stop you from the fun. There are new blogs to find. There are new friends to meet. And there are many
prizes to win.
You don't have to be a blogger to participate. Visit
5 Minutes For Mom and learn how to participate. Then go have fun.
Great to have found another terrific blog from the UBP!
Following you from ubp10 - great blog!! Come check me out.
Love your blog design and will be back to read more later....Happy Blogging...
Sunday afternoon blog hopping ....This is such a FUN party.
A random prize drawing for tonight (SUN) and then a $100 Gift basket for the GRAND PRIZE. I am amazed at all the different and creative blogs and having so much fun meeting new friends...Stop by for a visit...nothing you have to do but leave a comment on either of my blogs. Happy Sunday..
Already a loyal follower and subscriber! Just cruising through from the UBP to say hi :)
I am already a follower and subscriber but wanted to wish you happy blog hopping. I hope your family emergency is taken care of smoothly.
Stopping by for the party!! Hope things are all okay with your family!
Jenni ("Miss Tutu")
My UBP blog post: How to Make a Tutu blog - hope you will stop by and say hi! :) and Mom Blogger $100 Cash Contest
Hey, stopping by for the party! I’m following you now so I hope to learn more about you and your blog soon. http://intheknowgiveaways.blogspot.com
I hope your brother is ok! Your blog is beautiful. Thanks so much for stopping by mine. I am a new mom-preneur and would love to chat about my new business. =) Saying a prayer for your family right now.
Hey there Barbara. I saw your post on fb and wanted to stop by.. I'm sorry you can't participate but I know the UBP appreciates yours support.... I hope things get better soon!! God Bless
Hey there lady, I'm catching up on your Facebook posts so I'm not 100% what's going on but I'm praying for you and your family!
visitng from the party! loving your blog so far!
ur new follower,
Love the blog! Thanks for stopping by :) Read your header that you love saving money me to Nice to meet another blogger friend ;) Following ya!
Hi there! Nice to meet you! Love your blog. I will be coming back!
I hope you can stop by our blog: http://inspiredgiftsblog.blogspot.com
Inspiredgifts.com is a mom owned newly launched site.
Have a beautiful day
I am sorry to hear about your emergency and hope everything is OK. Stop by if you get a chance http://stopdropandrelax.com/blog/ And see what we have to help you Stop Drop and Relax. Visit our store at http://www.StopDropandRelax.com and Prepare To Be Pampered.
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