Barbara's Beat: Favorite Recipe: Coconut Bread
Sam's Club

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Favorite Recipe: Coconut Bread

My daughter-in-law Amanda's Coconut Bread

Makes 2 loaves
Beat together:
4 eggs
2 Cups sugar
1 Cups vegetable oil
2 teaspoons coconut flavoring
Sift together:
3 Cups flour
1/2 teaspoons salt
1/2 teaspoons baking powder

Add alternately to mixture with 1 C. buttermilk. Fold in 1 C. nuts and 1 C. coconut.
Bake at 325 degrees for 1 1/4 hours.
1 C. sugar, 1/2 C. water, 2 Tbs. butter.
Boil to dissolve sugar and add 1 tsp. coconut flavoring.
Pour over top of loaves and leave in pans until cool.

You can wrap leftover loaves in clear plastic wrap and foil and keep in freezer.
Thaw in refrigerator when ready to serve frozen loaves.

MckLinky Blog Hop



Jen said...

Now this sounds scrumptious! I love coconut, so I may have to give this a try. Thanks for sharing!!

Jen @ A Penny Saved

Promotional Printing said...

Buttermilk and Coconut sounds delicious! I love the coconut flavoring on the top! It looks perfect!

Jeanie said...

Wow, that sounds scrumptous!