Barbara's Beat: My life has changed a lot in 20 years
Sam's Club

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

My life has changed a lot in 20 years

Wow, thinking back to 1990 and what my life was like then seems like a lifetime ago.

I was an active military wife stationed in Germany. I was community volunteer. I was a reporter and photographer for several media. I was busy and I loved life.

Coming "back to the real world," as we called it when we returned stateside, I knew Ft. Leonard Wood, Mo., was our final military assignment. My plan was to find a job as a reporter at a local newspaper, and that's what I did.

As a cop reporter, I made contacts and I made a name for myself. I loved my job. But our tour would end and it was time to settle down. So we headed for home in N.C.

It didn't take long before I was hired at a local newspaper. The only difference was this time I was an editor instead of a reporter, and the thrill was gone. I had to find excitement in my new job of designing pages and reading copy. That's when I fell in love with my computer.

But, my story would not have a fairytale ending.

The early '90s would find me with deteriorating disc disease. I had to have a disc replacement in my back, then a hip replacement. I can hardly walk due to pain after those surgeries. Now, my knee is popping out of socket and causing a lot of pain and I have more surgeries in my future.

I would never have thought 20 years ago, that I would be laid up in bed with only a computer to keep me company.

Life changes fast. Make the best of it while you can.

How was your life 20 years ago? What were you doing? Where were you? What direction were you heading? How is your life different now than what you thought it would be?

MckLinky Blog Hop



Sammy Nams said...

20 years ago? I was probably having juice and crackers in kindergarten? =P *runs and hides*

Kathy said...

Hi, I'm just hopping over from the blog hop. Sometimes it's a good thing we can't see the future,since it doesn't always have that fairytale ending. I have a chronic disease myself, as yet unnamed, but similar to rheumatoid arthritis. Well, when life deals lemons, we just have to make lemonade. I'm glad that you have your computer--they sure do pass the time. Hop over to my place for a visit sometime!...Blessings, Kathy

Personalized Sketches and Sentiments said...

I cam e by from the Blog Hop...from one military spouse to another...Thank you! for your husband's service and for your support as a military spouse!
My dad is retired AirForce and my hubby is retired brother is in the Navy..etc...

Blessings & Aloha!

Unknown said...

20 years ago I was in the 7th grade and just moved from Ohio to Illinois. I'm happy that I didn't know then what would happen in the few short years to follow. Life can take funny turns, but we learn and grow from the experience... I know that I did!

Concord Carpenter said...

Visiting from the blog hop

Thank you! for your husband's service and for your support as a military spouse!

I look forward to following your blog and getting to know you better