Barbara's Beat: Blog Hop: Making every penny count with coupons when you go shopping
Sam's Club

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Blog Hop: Making every penny count with coupons when you go shopping

When it comes to saving money, many people use coupons at the the store. Using coupons use to mean cutting them out of the paper each week. Now, we depend on magazines like All You, but we depend more on the Web - blogs, manufacturer sites, credit card sites, and coupon specific sites like:;;; RetailMeNot.comA Full Cup; redplum; Val-Pak Coupons and
Try do do coupon exchanges with other moms if you can. It will make your dollars go further. And shop at stores that doubles your coupons.

Did you know that when you get a rain check for an item that is sold out, you may be able to get your coupon stamped to be used when that item is available, regardless if the coupon expires or not?

It's also a good idea when shopping, to look at items on the shelves above and below eye level. That's where you will find the real bargains. Not where the manufacturers slap you in the face.

Shopping at stores with a deli and bakery in the evening after 7pm gives you a good chance to get the goods at half the price.  Also, search for the sell-by dates and request a discount on those items about to expire within a day or two.

Stores like Walmart will not be under sold. Take their competitor sale papers with you so you can price-match items where you shop. Even stores like Home Depot and Lowes price match. If you're not sure, call and ask your store if they do it. If you really want to save, take online competitor ads with you when you shop and ask for price matching. It never hurts to ask. And in some cases you will be pleasantly surprised.

Some items are best purchased at warehouse stores like Sam's, while other products are best bought at dollar stores. Do the math. After you do the homework, you'll save a lot of money.

Do you have a money-saving tip to share?

MckLinky Blog Hop


1 comment:

Letterhead Printing | said...

I think that we can all save more with a little research and math. But thank you for this helpful post. I'm sure a lot will appreciate this.