Barbara's Beat: Find and rate stimulus projects nationwide


Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Find and rate stimulus projects nationwide helps hold public officials accountable for the taxpayer money they spend. As U.S. citizens we can search the data by keyword, state, city, Federal Agency, Zip Code, and recipients. Then, we can discuss and rate projects nationwide.

It's broken down by most active, most active daily, most expensive, most satisfied, and least satisfied. There's a column to tell if it's a grant or contract, the description, amount, location, number of jobs, and votes. It's also updated every 10 minutes.

To learn more, check out the site tutorial and the FAQs.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting website. I knew that something like this existed I just wasn't sure how to find it. I have several stimulus projects to look into now, thanks for sharing!


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