When you shop for cards do you think, I can do better than that? Or, why didn't they write something I can use? Well, now you can show them how it's done. Hallmark wants your creativity for a graduation card.
Time for caps, gowns, and a little pomp and circumstance. Use your photo or illustration and your original writing to create a card for ANY grad.
There will be three categories for this contest:
Milestone Moment: Create a card that’s serious and heartfelt.
Simply Sweet: Create a card that’s sweet and casual.
Grinnin’ Grad: Create a card that’s silly or a little bit funny. (We’re not looking for laugh-out-loud humor, just something that will make the grad smile.)
Does your entry meet all 3 judging criteria
1. Fits the Contest Theme
2. Sendable (Lots of other people will want to send your card to friends and family.)
3. Cohesive (Your image and writing work well together.)
Do you have permission from the people in it and the person who took it? If your card is selected as a winner, Hallmark will send you release forms for everyone in your photo and the person who snapped the photo.
Is your image sized and saved correctly?
Hallmark wants your 5.5" x 7.5" image submitted at 300 dpi and saved as a jpg. Hallmark's magical uploading tool won't let you submit a photo that doesn't meet the requirements. If you're uploading a design, save it as RGB instead of CMYK. If you need help see Hallmark's tips.
Is your writing original and concise?Your writing must be less than 100 characters for the cover, and less than 240 characters for the inside. You can also embed words into the cover photo or image, or have no words on the cover at all.
Winners and prizes
If you are chosen as a winner, you will receive $250, and your card will be offered at Hallmark.com. . If your winning online card is then selected to be printed and sold in stores nationwide you will win $250 more.
Ends Sept. 23
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