Barbara's Beat: Asurion saves you from mobile mishaps


Friday, September 21, 2012

Asurion saves you from mobile mishaps

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Parents and pet owners know how easy it is for things to disappear or turn up broken. It only takes a couple seconds for an accident to happen. What would you do if your cellphone/smartphone had a fatal accident? Could you live more than 24-hours without it?

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My husband bought me an iPhone 4S last Christmas, and he just bought the new iPhone 5 for himself. That's a lot of money invested, not to mention our worlds on two little devices. Our phones are much like computers these days. Without them, we lose a lot more than just money.

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We've both had close calls with our phones in the past. I use to be able to go out on the boat before my health got bad, and I almost lost my cellphone in the lake trying to hold onto our dog. Henry almost lost his phone in the lake while fishing. We've learned since then to insure our phones.

The complete Asurion protection package, available through most wireless carriers, provides consumers with (1) Software that protects mobile data against the growing number of cell phone/smartphone threats and helps them locate a lost or stolen phone and (2) A replacement device, usually overnight, in the event a phone is lost, damaged (even water damaged) or stolen.

     For more information check out this Asurion Fact Sheet or this Mobile Apps Fact Sheet.

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    Disclosure: Content and/or other value provided by our partner, Asurion. I am a member of the Asurion Mobile Mishaps Influencer Network and may receive a GC for this post.

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