Barbara's Beat: Our kids' school supplies may be toxic


Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Our kids' school supplies may be toxic

After all the back-to-school shopping, our children have returned to school. Now, there's a warning that the supplies we purchased may not be safe.

I can't believe about 75% of the backpacks and other supplies our kids are carrying to school are not safe. Researchers tested vinyl plastic items our kids carry and found toxic phthalates.

I can't believe lawmakers let this happen. Phthalates was banned in toys, but not in kids school supplies? Does that make sense?

Exposure to phthalates is dangerous. It can cause hormonal changes, birth defects, infertility problems, cancer, obesity, asthma, and early puberty.

New York Senator Charles Schumer said, “The Dora The Explorer backpack contained phthalates 69 times the allowable level, the Amazing Spiderman backpack contained phthalates 52 times the allowed federal level.”

The new report, authored by Mike Schade, is titled "Hidden Hazards: Toxic Chemicals Inside Children's Vinyl Back-to-School Supplies".


  1. Kids are around general household products that are practically unregulated all day long - it takes a lot of vigilance to avoid toxins these days!

  2. That's very scary to hear. The government really needs to do a better job and make it mandatory to ban Phthalates in anything child related.


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