Barbara's Beat: A Story Before Bed gives 100,000 free recordings to our Armed Forces


Wednesday, January 12, 2011

A Story Before Bed gives 100,000 free recordings to our Armed Forces

064,250 so far - 35,750 stories to go
Children like to be read A Story Before Bed. But for military parents being deployed, it's hard to do. So, A Story Before Bed is offering 100,000 free recordings to military parents.

At its book store, there are more than 200 books to choose from. You can click on books and look at them before deciding which book to record for your child.


The team behind A Story Before Bed is dedicated to connecting children with parents, grandparents, and loved ones through reading. And we're especially dedicated to connecting families and loved ones who can't always be together. When parents give up seeing their children for weeks or months at a time in the service of their country, we want to do our small part.

Parents who are members of one of the branches of the U.S. Armed Forces who are deploying or already deployed away from their children for any amount of time are eligible to sign up for free recordings from A Story Before Bed.

Please fill out the form below to apply. You will receive an e-mail confirming your subscription to our newsletter. Click on the link in the confirmation e-mail and we'll be in touch with your free recordings. That's all there is to it.

Quotes from deployed and deploying military parents and spouses on the site:

"I wanted to thank you for this service. I am away from my two small children (the littlest is just a few months old). Reading these stories makes me feel a little better about being away."

"I am really excited about this, I have already emailed one of my friends that went advanced to do this for her daughter. I will speak and coordinate with my Family Readiness Group (FRG) Leader to get this out to all of our deploying troops. Again, I am honored and I won't stop talking about this until the last troop has it. Thanks for the Blessing, you are God sent. Literally, God sent me to you!"

"Thank you so very much! I cannot wait to send the info to my husband. He will be thrilled!"

"Thank you so much for offering this! I've passed it on to everyone I know! My husband is gone for quite awhile this deployment and my daughters will love seeing him read!"

"Thank you for offering this service to our military members. One of the best things I did 'with' my 2 and 5 year old when I was deployed was to 'read bedtime stories'. I made a video recording of me reading the book and mailed it with the books to them every couple of weeks. They would lay in bed and follow along as 'mommy read to them'. Thank you so much for helping our families stay connected!"


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