Barbara's Beat: Stop Reacting and Start Responding™: Learn how to dicipline your kids tonight on MomTV


Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Stop Reacting and Start Responding™: Learn how to dicipline your kids tonight on MomTV

Do you sometimes feel at the end of your rope with your kids? Is it a constant battle between siblings in your home? There's hope, and help.

I am so happy to be part of the Living My MoMent’s new blogger reviewer program. Living My MoMent and Proactive Parenting™ are joining forces tonight to celebrate the launch of the program and its first review of parenting educator Sharon Silver's book, "Stop Reacting and Start Responding™". 

Parenting issues are something we all have in common. Silver’s book is a great tool to help parents stop reacting out of emotion and make conscious discipline decisions.

“This book shares new ways to discipline consciously, and do it without reacting, while still being firm enough to create change,” states Silver. “In other words, the book shows you how to create a balance between the job of correcting a child and loving a child.”

I learned how to deal with a toddler having a tantrum. Silver said children can't control their emotions. A child can become overwhelmed. For some kids it's better not to speak to them if they're screaming, just stay nearby. As soon as the child starts to calm down, then you can slowly begin speaking to the child. But, yelling at the child that is out of control will only make things worse. 

Older children like to have power struggles. Silver said the best way to deal with this is to be quiet, and when the kid realizes they're the only one arguing and stops, you regain control of the situation. You then ask the child, "Are you done? I'm not going to talk to you until the yelling stops."

I hope you can join us tonight for the live show on MomTV with host Sharon Silver (Proactive Parenting™ ) and guest Abbey Fatica (Living My MoMent) at 9pm EST to get answers to your parenting issues.
Buy the book for $12.95.

Living My MoMent

Living My MoMent

Full Disclosure: “I am a participant in a Living My MoMent campaign for Proactive Parenting™ and have received the e-book Stop Reacting and Start Responding™ by Sharon Silver as part of my participation.”



  1. I have to check this out! Thanks!


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