Ice Ball Maker Giveaway
Co-Hosted By
Dates: Sept. 4-Oct. 4
Sign ups end Aug. 31 at 6 AM.
Prize: Five readers will win a Stunning Gadgets Premium Ice Ball MakerPaulaMS' Giveaways, Reviews, and Freebies is working with some sponsors so the prize may grow in the next few days. If so she will make a new graphic and title to reflect the prize package.
The hashtag for this opp will be #IceBall.
Giveaway open to US residents 18 and older.
2 FREE LINKS: 1 FREE link for promoting the BLOGGER OPPORTUNITY and 1 FREE link for posting the GIVEAWAY within 24 hours of it starting.
You can choose any two social media accounts. Anything you like as long as it meets user terms of service (ie no mandatory Facebook likes allowed)
Co-Host spots are available for $7. Included is a co-host page with any 5 links of your choice in addition to the 2 free for a total of 7 plus a link back to your blog.
Paid Options: Any Additional links from the Free Link Options Above, Daily Votes, Page Visits, Retweets, CAPTCHA Subscriptions, and Blog or Facebook Comments are $1.50 each or 6 for $7.50. Limit 6 per person
Secret Word Pages available for $3 (I provide the HTML) or $2 (You Create)
Please send PayPal payment to Put Ice Ball in the comments
If you are a Preferred Giveaway Ambassador you do not need to do anything. I will email the giveaway HTML when it is ready.
If you would like to add any paid options just fill out the express form HERE
Please, say Barbara's Beat referred you.
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